One of the perqs of working toward partnership development for 20schemes is the opportunity to meet many different people we might not normally get to know, and also to reconnect with folks we haven't talked with in a while. Recently, we've had conversations about 20schemes with a a couple we went to church with seventeen years ago, a former supervisor of Jeff when he was (temporarily) in roofing sales, and a mission-minded newlywed barista at our favorite office-away-from-home.
A couple of weeks ago, our kids helped out at a kids' camp up in North Georgia; it was a good excuse for us to meet up with our friends, Nathan and Christine, who live up in that neck of the woods. We had a great time catching up on their lives, hearing how they are leading their family in the Lord, and sharing our new adventure with them. And it was exciting to hear about two local churches they were investing in, one an established work and the other new. (Wish we would have taken a picture of them!)
The next evening, back in Middle Georgia and still kidless, we were able to spend the evening with Joe and Barbara, dear friends who had encouraged us during a trying and transitional time many years ago. We were encouraged to hear how their (now grown) children are walking with the Lord and how Joe and Barbara are using their empty nest years to invest in eternal things through their local church and
Several weeks ago, Jeff and I headed over to the Starbucks located on the campus of Ingleside Baptist Church. We've gotten to know several of the employees there over the past year or so, but that day there was a new barista in town, a barista named Becca.We were excited to hear that Becca and her husband, Philip, have a real heart for missions and are seeking the Lord's direction for their future. And Becca was excited about our involvement in the ministry of 20schemes. We've chatted with Becca several times since then, and she's helping us share the mission of bringing the gospel to the schemes of Scotland. And we were glad to meet her husband, Philip, recently and hear his zeal for bringing the gospel to the unreached.
Each of these couples is enjoying a different season of life right now, but each of them are deliberately invested in gospel work within their sphere of influence where God has placed them at this time... always watchful for further opportunities to share His saving grace.
Are you invested and watchful?
Would you partner with us?
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